Stretch & Rest

From 2010-12, I taught restorative yoga with the PRYSMS research study (Practicing Restorative Yoga or Stretching for the Metabolic Syndrome), and now the main findings of that study have been published in the Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications (Kanaya, A.M., et al., Restorative yoga and metabolic risk factors.)

The study goal was to test whether Restorative Yoga or Stretching would improve metabolic factors related to type 2 diabetes. Several metabolic factors improved and both groups made healthy changes, including more physical activity and lower calorie intake. The significant difference between the two groups at the end of the study was that fasting glucose level improved (i.e., lowered) more in the Yoga group than the Stretching group.

The final conclusion is that both Restorative Yoga and Stretching can promote healthy lifestyle change in individuals who are at risk for type 2 diabetes. My interpretation: please stretch and practice restoratives. Yoga therapy offers both these approaches.

Sthira sukham asanam

ArticlesRachel Lanzerotti