Begin again. Find a best, safe resting position that you can stay in comfortably.
Distinguish “bad pain” from other sensations, so you know when to back off or keep exploring.
Set clear goals for your pain recovery, from personal wellness assessments and profile.
Begin your pain recovery with the right movements and breath sequenced for you from therapeutic yoga and somatics.
See and shift habits that have been limiting your fitness and recovery.
Incorporate simple, “stealth” body-mind tools to reset anywhere you are: at home, work, traveling.
Apply the “vagal brake” to move from hyped and wiped to aptly energized.
Find your right breath to decrease inflammation and boost physical performance and mental focus.
Build your body sensing and proprioceptive skills to decrease fatiguing pain.
Begin dynamic, functional movements to complement your reset practices, and to ignite your energy.
Build a purposeful routine to sleep better and be more rested.
Determine simple daily choices (like how you exercise, eat, play) that conserve and build energy and stamina.
Experience how body strength begins from the inside out.
Develop the deepest layers of inner belly muscles that hold you up.
Master “low + slow” movements that grow the intelligence of stabilizing muscles.
Replace unhelpful “crunching” and “stretching” with new ways of moving, to engage vital yet often deconditioned muscles (diaphragm, transversus abdominis, multifidae, others).
Align your standing, sitting, walking or running around a steady, strong center and confident core.
Breathe to tone the diaphragm and support the spine, relieving upper body “accessory muscles” of incorrect breath patterns that worsen back and neck tension.
Identify and remedy the key imbalances and postural habits that add to your pain pattern.
See yourself once again as capable, inspired, healthy.
Start saying yes again to professional opportunities, and time with family and friends.
Not only recover but start preventing pain. Take care of business, wiggle, work out, and play safely without pain, fear of flares or re-injury.
Manage your energy reserves before they are depleted.
Change your relationship to pain, tension, fatigue, and suffering.
Wake refreshed and move through your days capable and energized.